Tag: daily

  • Exploring the Power of Mindfulness: How Meditation Transforms Daily Life

    Exploring the Power of Mindfulness: How Meditation Transforms Daily Life

    You know that feeling when life keeps piling on? The worries, the stress, the heavy stuff that makes your mind spin like a washing machine on a turbo cycle? Yeah, been there. Especially for those of us dealing with mental health stuff, it can knock you for a loop sometimes. But I’ve got a game-changing…

  • Mindful Living: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

    Mindful Living: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

    Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by the endless hustle of modern life. Between punishing work schedules, endless to-do lists, and the constant pings of technology and social media, it’s a miracle any of us have secured even a moment’s peace and downtime lately. Our minds are frazzled, our souls fried to a…

  • Mindful Moments: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

    Mindful Moments: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

    The modern world murmurs with persistent energy, requiring continued concentration and leaving us fragmented and overwhelmed. We desire peace, moments to reconnect with ourselves and find comfort amidst the confusion. The American Institute of Stress reported in 2020 that about 33% of people experience extreme stress, with 77% experiencing stress that affects their physical health.…

  • Meditate daily or occasionally? – The Meditation Blog

    Meditate daily or occasionally? – The Meditation Blog

    Do you enjoy meditation but can’t establish a regular habit right now? These perspectives may surprise you. The difference between daily Acem meditation and occasional Acem Meditation can be significant. Here are some of the things that distinguish the two ways of using meditation: Effects of daily Acem Meditation Helps to maintain a regular practice…

  • Sandra Bershad on Psychic Powers and Daily Meditation

    Sandra Bershad on Psychic Powers and Daily Meditation

    Sandra Bershad, MA is an Intuitive Mentor, Psychic Channel and Transformational Guide for Conscious Visionaries, Leaders, and Highly Sensitive Empaths. Devoted to revitalizing the wisdom of every person’s true essence, Sandra empowers her clients to excavate what no longer serves them and transform their limiting beliefs and programming so that they can consciously actualize the…

  • Made a New Year’s resolution to meditate daily? Here’s how to make it happen

    Made a New Year’s resolution to meditate daily? Here’s how to make it happen

    It’s early January, and many people who made New Year’s resolutions are already going “Oops!” as they realize they’ve already missed a morning at the gym, binged on something unhealthy, or forgotten to meditate. It’s very hard to change habits. The habit I’m most interested in is daily meditation, which is something I nailed a…