Tag: Meditation

  • Ho’oponopono Meditation Technique – We Try The Powerful Healing Technique

    Ho’oponopono Meditation Technique – We Try The Powerful Healing Technique

    Today on The Daily Meditation we’re taking a deep dive into Ho’oponopono meditation technique, a method that is beco9ming incredibly popular but which is often misunderstood. The good news is that when done properly, you’ll find there’s perhaps no better meditation than Ho’oponopono for self healing. Sadly, from my personal experience in teaching this technique…

  • We Explore Buddhist Koan Meditation

    We Explore Buddhist Koan Meditation

    Today on The Daily Meditation we’re diving into Koan Meditation, a traditional form of Buddhist meditation technique. I’ve created a tutorial for you, along with a guided meditation and podcastepisode so that you can learn all about the wonderful practice of Koan Meditation. What Is Koan Meditation? Koan Meditation is a technique in which we…

  • Experience Our Advanced Vipassana Meditation [Script]

    Experience Our Advanced Vipassana Meditation [Script]

    The following is my advanced Vipassana meditation script, perfect for going deeper in your mindfulness practice and debeloping imsight. Advanced Vipassana Meditation Script Welcome to this advanced Vipassana meditation session. Take a moment to get comfortable and gently close your eyes. Let’s begin with a deep breath in through the nose to a count of…

  • How I Changed My Life With Meditation

    How I Changed My Life With Meditation

    Let me tell you the story of how meditation changed my life. When I was a teenager and into my early 20s, my mental health was a mess. I was the most emotional man of all time—I’m pretty sure I still am. I would get emotional over anything. For instance, I remember this one time…

  • We Explore Different Visualization TechniquesIn Meditation

    We Explore Different Visualization TechniquesIn Meditation

    In this article and video we look at the different visualization techniques used in meditation. 3 Different Visualization Techniques There are three main types of visualization. The first, which I’m sure you’re familiar with, is simply visualizing something relaxing. For instance, visualizing yourself sitting by the sea or in a calm, peaceful setting. The benefit…

  • Guided Meditation For Self Belief

    Guided Meditation For Self Belief

    In this guided meditation for self belief we reflect on our core character strengths, how they have helped us in the past and how they will help us in the future. Script Hello and welcome to this wonderful guided meditation for self-belief. Take a moment to get comfortable, and when you’re ready, gently close your…

  • Why You’re Not a Meditation Failure

    Why You’re Not a Meditation Failure

    Have you ever said these things before? I can’t sit still long enough to meditate I’ve tried to meditate but can’t clear my mind I’ve done meditation apps but never noticed a difference You’re not alone. I hear these every single day. People think that meditation is something you should magically already know how to…

  • Meditation VS Dissociation: We Investigate The Link

    Meditation VS Dissociation: We Investigate The Link

    Your meditation practice could be causing dissociation, but meditation can also help cure it. If that sounds a little confusing, it’s because it is. There is indeed a bizarre link between meditation and dissociation, and in this video, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know. If that sounds good to you, remember…

  • Can Meditation Improve Logical Reasoning?

    Can Meditation Improve Logical Reasoning?

    The practice of sitting down and quieting the mind has been portrayed as the solution for all mental woes. Media reports of its incredible mind benefits are extensive, but the question is, can meditation improve logical reasoning? Dive into the neuroscience of this mental stillness practice, including what studies say about its benefits and drawbacks.…

  • This Vagus Nerve Meditation Calms & Heals

    This Vagus Nerve Meditation Calms & Heals

    A brief period of meditation can help keep the vagus nerve active, in turn calming your nerves and leading to myriad physiological benefits. The vagus nerves are the main nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system [1], running from the brainstem down to the abdomen. They affect digestion, mood, heart rate and more, working as a…

  • How To Do Self Guided Meditation

    Most people who start a meditation begin with guided meditations, such as with our own meditations on Youtube. But after a while, you might find yourself wanting to get into self guided meditation. Self guided meditation is exactly how it sounds: leading yourself through a meditation practice without the assistance of an audio guide. There…

  • Try Our New Facial Relaxation Meditation Exercise

    Try Our New Facial Relaxation Meditation Exercise

    One of the quickest and easiest ways to calm your mood is with facial relaxation exercises. And I’ve got just the one for you. No, it’s not a massage, nor does it involve puffing your cheeks or pressing your tongue. Rather, it’s a facial relaxation meditation. Facial relaxation exercises can do wonders for our mood…