Tag: Steps

  • 5 Steps (Plus 1 Meditation) to Forgiveness

    5 Steps (Plus 1 Meditation) to Forgiveness

    Do you know how I know meditation is working in my life? For starters, I don’t shame myself or beat myself up about something I’ve done, or failed to do. I show myself the same kindness and compassion that I’d give to my best friend. For example, last week I spontaneously decided to drop in…

  • 5 Steps to Let Love Flow

    5 Steps to Let Love Flow

      Even though we are wired for love, being in love may be the scariest thing one can experience. We desperately want that one fulfilling relationship, yet we go to great lengths to avoid rejection and heartbreak. Love and fear don’t mix. Reflecting on my own life, I noticed how often I closed in an attempt to protect myself. I shut people out. Isolated under…