How to Raise your Vibration – 18 Powerful Ways

This post is going to break down how to raise your vibration.

Before we even begin, let’s look at what the term “raise your vibration” means.

This term is used to describe uplifting yourself from a place of emotional doom and gloom to happiness, joy and peace.

It can often involve difficult processes like overcoming self-limiting beliefs, healing deep-seated traumas and going through a spiritual awakening.

We’re going to look at this from a scientific as well as a spiritual perspective and then share how to raise your vibration to reach and maintain a high-vibrational state of being.

What does it mean to Raise your Vibration?

Science and spirituality agree that everything in the universe is energy.

That’s to say that everything you can see including your own body is made up of energy. All this energy has an associated frequency to it.

Just like the energy of light can be measured and visualized in the electromagnetic spectrum, so too can your energy be measured and classified by your emotional home or the habitual emotions that you come back to over and over again.

how to raise your vibration | How to Raise your Vibration – 18 Powerful Ways
how to raise your vibration | How to Raise your Vibration – 18 Powerful Ways

When we speak about your energy, we are referring to the thoughts and emotions you experience on a regular basis. These thoughts and emotions go on to define how you express yourself and the types of actions you take in the world.

The actions you take in the world create certain outcomes and those in turn create more of the same types of feelings in you. Those feelings and emotions then spur the same types of thoughts and actions and the cycle continues.

When you raise your vibration, you break the mould that society and this cycle has created and enter into an entirely new mode of being.

Why you should Raise your Vibration

When we speak about raising your vibration, we are speaking about healing.

When you heal and raise your vibration, you do yourself and the people around you a favour.

For yourself, you free yourself from old traumas, suffering and lower states of being. You heal generational trauma and enable yourself to receive and embody more love, grace and peace of mind in your life.

From this space, you will naturally want to live a healthier and happier life. Ultimately, you will inspire the people around you to do the same.

By working to raise your vibration and therefore raise your level of consciousness, you are bringing hope to a world that seems to be spiralling ever downward.

how to raise your vibration | How to Raise your Vibration – 18 Powerful Ways

How to Raise your Vibration

The secret to holistically and sustainably raise your vibration and become the best version of you is to do the deep inner work.

The key to healing and inner work is to take a 2-pronged approach: one that works on both physical wellbeing and spiritual wellbeing at the same time.

How to Raise your Vibration – Physically

Working on the physical body enables you to tackle the physical aspect of the mind-body complex.

To do this you can:

  • Create a supportive routine. Create a routine that incorporates time for rest and play. It doesn’t matter how old you are, having time to allow the mind to relax and expand is critical for the healing process and having a healthy outlook on life in general.
  • Exercise. Incorporating exercise into your routine will make sure the body stays healthy and mobile well into old age.
  • Eat sattvic food. You are what you eat. If you eat meat and/or old foods, stale foods or frozen foods you are inviting dullness, lethargy and heaviness into your system. This is tamasic food. If you eat overly-spiced, rajasic foods, you are inviting restlessness and anxiety into your system. A yogic diet includes freshly cooked, vegetarian, sattvic foods and will promote a healthy, harmonious and peaceful state of mind.
  • Do a fast or cleanse for your digestive system. Once every few months, do a kichadi cleanse or a fast to allow the digestive tract to empty itself. Built-up food in the digestive tract creates toxins and can lead to a disturbed mind. Regular cleanses will keep this at bay. Note: get advice from an ayurvedic professional before beginning any cleanse. Fasting is not recommended for all body types.
  • Sing and dance. Allowing yourself to loosen up without alcohol or the help of any substances can help you become comfortable in your own skin and make new friends while you’re at it. Find local satsangs or kirtans where you can dance freely without the fear of judgment.
  • Prioritize sleep. During sleep your body is working hard to digest and repair itself. Each night you’ll get the deepest sleep between 10 pm and 2 am, make sure you’re in bed by 9, lights out by 9:30 with all devices off and away.
  • Follow your circadian rhythm for sleep and meal times. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, tells us that following the circadian rhythm will help to keep the body and mind in tiptop shape.
  • Find a work-life balance. You only have 24 hours in a day. It is natural that if you want to start taking care of yourself more, you will have to learn how to balance that time. Look at the areas where you’re spending more time than you need to and see if you can cut down to create more time for yourself.

How to Raise your Vibration – Spiritually

Working on your physical wellbeing alone will fall flat if you do nothing for your spiritual wellbeing. To maintain momentum on the path to holistically raise your vibration, you must work on your spiritual self in parallel with your physical self.

  • Practice yoga asanas (postures). A good asana class is one that helps you silence your chattering mind and rest in a space of peace and quiet. If you already practice but you find that your yoga class is more focussed on postures, find a more meditative class that will help you with your inner wellbeing.

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  • Meditate. Meditation will help you stop overthinking and process your emotions in a way that nothing else can. In deep meditation, you will become aware of your own thought patterns so you can heal the underlying stresses associated with them.
  • Practice breath work. Breath work or pranayama is part of the practice of yoga and is designed to subdue the 5 vrittis of the mind and bring your mind to stillness so you can experience deep rest in meditation.
  • Surrender. When you have given your 100% to a situation but are unable to find a way forward, surrender that situation to a higher power and allow the universe to take care of it for you.
  • Set healthy boundaries. You don’t owe anyone your company. If someone makes you feel terrible, it is your responsibility and duty to yourself to separate yourself from that person or situation and honour yourself.
  • Journal. Journaling is a powerful way to get to know yourself and process stuck emotions. Take time out of your schedule to sit in stillness and get to know your thoughts. Often, we are so afraid to admit our own unhappiness even to ourselves. If you can get over this, you’ll be able to find a solution and a way forward.

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  • Spend time in nature. Raw nature has vibrations of peace and love that cannot be found in concrete jungles of modern cities. Be intentional with your time off and immerse yourself in nature. You will be amazed at how quickly negative thoughts disappear.
  • Do things you love. Create space to get back to the things that you love. Do them for pleasure rather than to achieve any type of goal. When you approach something from this space, you allow your mind to relax. When you practice mindfulness in this way, your para-sympathetic nervous system will activate and stress will melt away from your system.
  • Find a supportive community. The secret to spiritual growth is your company. If you are in company that doesn’t approve of your path, you will not continue. When you surround yourself with people on the same path, you will learn how to overcome any social anxiety and move forward together.
  • Create a safe space for yourself. Learning to be by yourself will enable you to learn about yourself, make better decisions and learn to love yourself unconditionally. This love for yourself and your happiness will keep you going even when times get tough.
how to raise your vibration | How to Raise your Vibration – 18 Powerful Ways

How Yoga and Spirituality can help you Raise your Vibration

Contrary to what commercial yoga is portrayed as, yoga and spirituality are deeply connected.

Spirituality is the path of deep inner healing and self care while yoga is one of the world’s most accessible spiritual practices designed to help you start your spiritual awakening journey, burn through your karma and reach moksha.

Yoga has been around for millennium for the explicit purpose of teaching you how to raise your vibration and become the best version of yourself.

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