When Life Isn’t Going Your Way, Here’s 3 Questions to Ask Yourself…

We have to ask. Our guides cannot help us without our consent.

This is a lesson I keep remembering again and again. When I am feeling lost, if I am feeling impatient. If something isn’t going my way… I stop and play the tape.

  • Did I ask for what I want?
  • Did I ask my guides for support?
  • Did I take the time to even get clear on what it is that I want or did I accidentally let myself spiral into worry and speculation about the worst case scenario?

I used to be super skeptical of anyone who spoke about angels or guides. It sounds weird. Woowoo. It may be.

But it works.

I like to think that we are all born with at least one guide, likely many more. But they cannot help us without our permission. Any parent of a toddler knows this to be true. If they don’t want you to dress them, it is virtually impossible to help them regardless of how much you want to. The same is true of the unmanifest.

So if you spent yesterday worrying about anything (like taxes, income, elections, climate, ex’s, body pain, sickness), my question to you is this…

  • Did you stop to ask for help?
  • Did you take the time to listen to what your heart would LOVE right now?
  • Did you water the flowers of your desires or did you accidentally water the weeds of worry?

No judgement. It’s good to notice so we can redirect the attention. And that is MUCH easier to do when you have a daily practice to eradicate the stress hormones that keep us stuck in fight or flight. It is so much more pleasurable to put your attention on your dreams when you believe they are possible.

This is what the combination of meditation and manifesting can do for you. Yes they are great alone, but when you combine these two power tools the results are astounding.

So, I invite you to enroll in my brand new manifesting course called Dream Magnet. You can register here.

And if you don’t yet have a daily Ziva practice, you can sign up for our free masterclass on how you can reduce stress, overcome anxiety and improve sleep in 15 Days (or Less).

When you start to truly harness the power of these two practices, it is astounding what is possible. And don’t just take it from me.

It’s time to receive your dreams.


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