What Your Friendships Have To Do With Your Genetics

How much energy do you put into your friendships?

As a society, we put a lot of emphasis on building our intimate relationships. Fewer people are talking about the power and importance of cultivating deep relationships with friends.

Dhru Purohit is changing that.

Dhru is the host of the Dhru Purohit podcast, a serial entrepreneur and investor. He’s also a great friend of Emily’s.

We pulled this clip from an interview Dhru and Emily did, they talked about a surprising way to rekindle relationships with loved ones (this one scares Emily a little, but she’s working on it!).

Listen to this — we don’t know ANYONE else who does this…

Dhru schedules 8-10 hours a week into his calendar for helping people. We know that may sound crazy with full schedules, but Dhru is one of the most productive and successful people Emily knows, so she was willing to hear him out.

Why does he put so much effort into cultivating personal relationships?

Well, because he’s a great person and finds it enjoyable to boost the people in his life whenever he can.

But also because of something called sociogenomics. This is the science of how our friendships affect our genetic expression. Basically, the groups we form and our connections with people close to us have a significant impact on how our bodies function.

So, loneliness is more than just a case of the blues — it impacts us physiologically.

In his words, even if you have a lot of friends and talk to them often, many people still feel quite lonely. Loneliness is the belief that the people around you don’t really understand you. Does this ring true for you at all?

The good news is, when we deepen our relationships, we are more resilient in every other aspect of our life.

Click here to watch now.

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