Basic Mindfulness Guided Meditation – August 2023



In this guided meditation, we engage with different mindfulness practices to prepare for a session of basic mindfulness. We do this in order to ground our attention in the body. Specifically, in the heart center.

As we engage with these embodiment practices, we slowly start to feel into our entire breathing body. This is incredibly important for meditation.


Because many of us just meditate from the shoulders up – in our heads. But meditation is a whole body activity.

The more you can ground your attention fully in your body, the richer and more productive your meditation practice will become. We also include music in the practice because it’s such an extraordinary tool for opening your mind and heart.

During the basic mindfulness practice, you will work on two essential meditation skills: steering and staying. Steering the attention back to your meditation object and then staying on your meditation object–the breath.

Steering and staying are foundational skills for all meditators—two essential pillars upon which we build our inner temple.

And perhaps just as important, in our age of fragmented attention, honing your ability to steer and stay your attention is essential. Most of our online world is habituating us to do the opposite. The negative impact on our wellbeing is evident.

Remember, your capacity to deliberately rest your attention on any object of focus–staying–is directly related to your capacity for calmly and intentionally navigating life.



Chanting (Humming)
Pranayama (Breathing)
Guided Meditation – Basic Mindfulness

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