Great news about my writing

Exciting things have been happening recently. In the space of just a week or so I was been offered two publishing contracts, one for a book coming out next year, and one for the following year.

“The Heart’s Awakening”

The Heart’s Awakening” is scheduled to come out in September 2025, and is being published by Windhorse Publications.

The book is based on four courses I created on the topic of the Brahmaviharas, which are practices for bringing more kindness, compassion, and appreciation into our lives. In these courses I radically re-imagine these practices. For example,

I explore metta as kindness, rather than lovingkindness, the former term being much more down-to-earth and experiential.
I stress the necessity for developing empathy before cultivating kindness.
I place a lot of emphasis on self-compassion as a prerequisite for having compassion for others (something I also explore in my book, “This Difficult Thing of Being Human.”)
I discuss mudita not as “sympathetic joy” but as joyful appreciation of what’s skillful.
And I discuss upekkha not as a state of withdrawal into peace, but as a calming of reactivity so that we can love more deeply.

“SIT: 28 Days to a Rock-Solid Daily Meditation Practice”

The second book is  based on my course, “Get Your Sit Together.” It’s coming out through Wisdom Publications in the Spring of 2026. The title is self-explanatory. It is aimed at people who have been practicing for a while — perhaps years — but who have never managed to establish an unshakable daily practice. It comes out of my own struggles with this, and from my work in helping others to establish a rock-solid daily meditation practice.

This is all very affirming, and I’m thrilled that the work I’m doing will reach and benefit a wider audience. I will of course let you all know when these two titles are available for pre-order.



