How to Start your Spiritual Awakening Journey

In this blog post, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about how to start your spiritual awakening journey.

Life naturally flows in the direction of a spiritual awakening. The reason you’ve landed here is likely because you’re approaching an awakening or have already begun your awakening.

Keep reading to find out what this journey entails, how long it takes and more.

What is a spiritual awakening journey?

A spiritual awakening is the awareness and acceptance that there is more to life than meets the eye. It is the realization that you are more than your body, mind, actions and thoughts.

You generally begin the spiritual awakening journey when you are going through a really tough time in life. Many people hit rock bottom and are completely done with their world and their lives when they turn to spirituality.

This stage of the journey is known as the Dark Night of the Soul and though it can feel like a really dark place to be in, it is also one of the most fortunate places to be in.

Fortunate because you went through a lot to get here and you’re approaching the light on the other side of the tunnel.

spiritual awakening journey | How to Start your Spiritual Awakening Journey

Why is it a journey?

A spiritual awakening is a journey because to transition safely from living in the material world and having only ego awareness to establishment in higher levels of awareness takes time, effort and commitment.

In the previous section, I hinted that your spiritual awakening has stages. In my Ultimate Spiritual Awakening Guide, I explain each stage in depth.

For the purpose of this article, it’s sufficient for you to know that there are different stages of the journey and that each stage requires different things from you.

Just like getting into a new routine is a journey from intention to implementation to it becoming your lifestyle, so is becoming more self aware and spiritually awakened.

Why should you want to start this journey?

Life naturally flows in the direction of personal, emotional and spiritual evolution.

At every stage of the spiritual awakening journey, and in fact, at every moment in your life, you’re presented with opportunities to grow.

The question we’re answering here, is why should you choose to grow. Why shouldn’t you choose to stay the same in life?

The simple answer is that the longer you lean on your conditioning and self-limiting beliefs, the more pain and suffering you will bring yourself.

This is because your ego’s defense mechanisms come from childhood and are associated with certain perceptions and thought patterns. Children perceive the world in a very different way than conscious adults do.

For example, when someone sets a boundary, you and I know they are protecting their peace but a child might perceive the same thing as that person withholding love and therefore safety from them. This might lead them to come and beg for love. In adulthood, this can show up as anxious attachment or completely disregarding your own needs in order to feel loved by someone else.

spiritual awakening journey | How to Start your Spiritual Awakening Journey

This brings pain and the only way to free yourself from this pain is to go inward and deprogram yourself. It’s to love yourself and truly understand and accept that someone setting a boundary doesn’t mean that you are unloved and unsafe.

Once you have that visceral understanding, you will feel safer, more secure and at ease when people set healthy boundaries. You will also be able to set more healthy boundaries of your own.

Being an active participant in this journey is a conscious decision to heal.

The results of releasing deep seated stress, trauma and anxiety include:

  • Smiling more
  • Living more in alignment
  • Spending more time doing things that resonate with you
  • Improved quality of life
  • Increased inner strength
  • Improved relationships
  • Your work feels more meaningful and in alignment
  • Better health
  • Finding inner peace
  • Silencing your inner critic
  • Being able to support the people around you

And so much more.

What will the journey entail?

The spiritual awakening journey will challenge you to let go of your innermost beliefs about yourself and the world around you.

You will be asked to accept some harsh truths and let go of things that you might not be ready to let go of.

As you go deeper and deeper into your inner world, you will face your demons and learn to overcome them.

spiritual awakening journey | How to Start your Spiritual Awakening Journey

How long will it take?

The length of this journey depends entirely on you and your willingness to move forward on this path.

The more you step out of your comfort zone and make the hard decisions that life is asking you to make, the faster your journey will go.

When you resist the ebb and flow of life and fall back into the safety of your patterns, comfort zone and ego consciousness, the more you are prolonging this journey and keeping yourself stuck.

The more you resist the changes that you know you need to make, the more pain you will feel. This pain will naturally lead you to leave your comfort zone, make the hard decisions and therefore grow on this path.

The beauty of the spiritual awakening journey is that you never lose your progress. At any point, you can leave the path and re-immerse yourself into the material world. Whenever you are ready, the path will be waiting for you and you can pick up where you left off.

Now you might be wondering why anyone would leave a path that life itself is taking you down and the answer varies for everyone. Either way, your life and your karma will carry you forward on the path of spiritual evolution.

The difference is that if you were to consciously do this work, you would evolve so much faster and more painlessly than stumbling forward unwillingly on the path.

How can you start your spiritual awakening journey?

Now that we’ve covered what the spiritual awakening journey is, what it will entail and how long it will take, let’s look at things you can do in your day-to-day life that will help you start or continue this journey consciously.

Incorporate mindfulness into your life

Think about how you can incorporate mindfulness into your life. How can you spend your time more mindfully and make more mindful choices?

This will help you become more aware and accepting of your inner world.


Buy yourself a notebook or journal and find some empty space in your calendar where you can sit and introspect. Make sure you have no other commitments at the time and you can spend as much time as you want journaling.

We send out journal prompts in our Purpose Newsletter based on different themes every month to help you dive into your inner world.

This practice will raise your self awareness and help you settle your nervous system.

Practice responding not reacting

When someone says something or something happens that triggers you to react, pause. Take a breath and study your thoughts. Is the story that is coming up true? Most likely not. From a place of calm, give them a response. If that’s not possible, excuse yourself from the conversation. Respect your emotions and response to the situation and use this opportunity to journal and dive into the response.

This practice will help you identify your triggers and discover what’s beneath them.

Declutter your space

Practice minimalism by auditing your life, home and time and identify things that do not feel in alignment. Where do you feel overstretched? Where can you start saying no?

Everything in your waking life affects you, by decluttering your space, time and life you will create space for yourself to expand.

Give yourself time to just BE

Create open space on your calendar where you’re not actively engaged in any activity. Give yourself the opportunity to just be without any external stimuli. Turn off your phone and let the naturalness flow. This is easier done in nature by going for a hike, going to the beach, going swimming, etc.

The more that you connect with your authentic Self, the Self that is beyond stress, anxiety and overwhelm, the easier it will be for you to identify when you’re away from that Self so you can take steps to come back.

Set strong boundaries for your space and your time

On a certain level, you know who you want to have in your life and who you don’t. When someone makes a request for your time, tune into your Self and don’t be afraid to say no. If you say yes, you will not only spend your time doing something that you don’t want to, you will also regret it.

Setting stronger boundaries helps you to establish a relationship and trust with yourself. You learn to trust yourself and act on the impulses that come from deep inside with the faith that the action and outcome will be good for you.

Start a regular yoga practice

Yoga is more than just asanas or posture practice. Yoga is a spiritual practice, lifestyle and scientific method that has been around for thousands of years designed to help you move forward on the spiritual path. Don’t worry about not being flexible or never having practiced yoga before, yoga is for everyone and you will surprise yourself once you get on your mat.

Starting a yoga practice will be the foundation of your spiritual awakening journey. You will progress much more smoothly if you have a regular yoga practice.

Practice breath work

Breath work or pranayama is a part of the ancient practice of yoga. It goes hand-in-hand with your yoga practice to take you deeper into your practice and deeper into your self. Start your yoga practice with a few minutes of deep breathing and try to synchronize your breath with your postures during your practice.

Breathing techniques and practices will help you balance your prana or your life force energy so that whatever healing or karma is playing out in your life will affect you less.


Meditation or dhyana is also a part of the ancient practice of yoga. In fact, it is the fruit of your breath work and your posture practice. Leave 10-15 minutes after your asana practice to sit in meditation.

In deep meditation, you’re able to release stress, trauma, toxic thought patterns and habits as well as deeply ingrained self-limiting beliefs.

What’s on the other side of the spiritual awakening journey?


Freedom from fear, self-doubt and negative self talk await you at the finish line of this journey.

On the way, you will find purpose, inner peace and fulfillment in life. You will find deeper meaning, escape day-to-day stress and anxiety and become a stronger, happier, and more stable person.

spiritual awakening journey | How to Start your Spiritual Awakening Journey

Things that trouble you now will no longer trouble you, you will be able to make tough decisions and most importantly, you will heal the parts of yourself that unconsciously keep you stuck in unhealthy patterns, habits and relationships.

Whatever objection you might have to being on this path, I promise you it will dissolve once you begin to move forward.

How to Supercharge your Spiritual Awakening Journey

If you’ve made it this far in the article, it tells me that you’re serious about this journey. Even if there’s still some resistance in your mind, you’re ready to consciously undertake your spiritual awakening journey and live a life that is in alignment with you.

If this sounds like you, Parm’s Spiritual Academy is for you.

When you join our Spiritual Academy, you will have a conscious community to support you, regular coaching calls to keep you on track and guidance through your hurdles in life and on the spiritual path.

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