We Sat In Emptiness And Felt Amazing

Today here ar The Daily Meditation, we dived deep into the traditional Daoist Meditation Zuowang, and we’d love to share our experience with you.

Zuowang, meaning “sitting in forgetfulness,” is a Daoist meditation practice aimed at transcending the ego and experiencing a state of pure emptiness. Rooted in Daoism, it is a path to unity with the Dao, or the natural way of the universe, by letting go of all thoughts, desires, and even the self. This practice guides us to connect deeply with our true nature by embracing the vastness of emptiness within and around us. Try it for yourself below.

Zuowang Meditation Script

Welcome to this guided Zuowang meditation session, one of the formal practices of Daoism. When you’re ready, take a moment to get nice and comfortable, and gently close your eyes.

Let’s begin, as we usually do, with a deep breath in through the nose to a count of four, and pause for four. Breathe out through the mouth for four, then pause for four, and repeat. As you calm down, observe the flow of your breath moving through your body. [Learn more about Taoist Breathing here].

I will briefly explain this meditation. Zuowang is one of the formal meditations in Daoism, also known as emptiness meditation. It is a wonderful way to overcome duality and connect with your true self.

We want to sit with good posture, if possible, because it helps to stimulate the flow of Qi. So, while sitting with good posture and your eyes closed, continue to observe the sensations of your breath as it smoothly flows through your body.

Allow yourself to enjoy this moment. What has been and what will be are just illusory; all that matters is right now. Let your thoughts and feelings float by like leaves down a stream as you simply observe the breath. This is just the beginning of this meditation. We aim to calm the mind with mindful breathing before moving on.

Now, I will point out that some people find it difficult to focus with their eyes fully closed. If you notice your mind creating dreamlike states, slightly open your eyes to help regain focus.

At this point, we are simply sitting with good posture to aid the flow of Qi and calmly observing the subtle sensations of the breath. Let the mind relax and let go. You will notice that as you continue to breathe mindfully, you will begin to experience a state of inner peace, becoming aware of the emptiness within you. Your conscious awareness is floating like a feather in an infinite ocean of emptiness. Allow your awareness to direct itself toward that emptiness.

Notice, look, and you will see within a vast, silent blackness—an infinite ocean of empty space—a nothingness that permeates all things. Direct your conscious awareness inward, observing that empty nothingness.

Notice how that empty nothingness fills your body like water in a jug. That nothingness throughout your body is complete emptiness, and your mind floats in that infinite, empty space within. As you continue to observe that nothingness, your mind might occasionally become distracted, with thoughts and feelings. Allow those thoughts and feelings to float by like leaves in autumn, gently guiding your mind back to that empty nothingness that fills you.

You may start to notice that the same emptiness permeates not only your body and mind but the very fabric of existence. Observe how that emptiness surrounds you. Your body and mind are simply floating within empty space.

Now, become aware of the center of awareness itself. Direct your gaze inward toward that awareness, concentrating your consciousness upon itself. You will see that the same emptiness permeating your mind, body, and world also exists at the very core of your conscious awareness.

All is empty. Though thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences may arise within this emptiness, they will also fall away, like leaves in autumn. What remains is emptiness, which permeates the body, mind, and universe. It fills the very seed of conscious awareness itself. In this emptiness, momentary thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences occur and then fade, leaving behind an infinite, empty canvas where lights flicker briefly and fade.

Allow yourself to flow within this crystalline, infinite ocean of emptiness for as long as you choose. Know that this is the true nature of all things—this is the Dao.

I thank you for joining me for this guided meditation session. Kindly like, comment, and subscribe if you would like to support me. If you would like to meditate with me, why not join me for a private session on TheDailyMeditation.com? Thank you, and I’ll see you next time.

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